- 我々一般の思い込みとしては、フツーの社会人であれば仕事もあり、忙しく、わざわざそんな大量の書き込みをすることはないだろうと考えているが、実はSNSをうまく使える人は毎日10分もあれば大量の書き込みを自動的に送る方法を理解していて、実際に行動に移してしまう。
- 情報にはもともと偏りがあるという認識を持つ
- 新聞を読み比べると、全く同じ見方をすることはなく、立場が違えば見方も違うことがわかる。それが普通の姿であることを認識する
- 自分の正義感の使い方に敏感になる
- 報道やネット情報を目にして、けしからんと思うことがある。その際に、即座に行動に起こさず、一度自分を疑ってみる、一呼吸置いてみる、そこで冷静になった上で、行動を起こすべきなのかどうかを判断する
- 自分を客観的にみる
- これは許せんと思うことを知った際に、自分自身はそれを咎められるほど立派な生き方をしてきたか、若い頃に間違いを起こさなかったか、もう一度考えてみる
- 他者の尊重
- 顔が見えないからといって、その人の人生、背景、社会的な立場、全て理解している訳ではない。相手を尊重する、寛容になるという気持ちを持てるかどうか、考えてみる
I had always wondered why online posts often contain such harsh language and bullying-like behavior. In particular, I often see on the news these "net slang" incidents that involve statements and actions that are beyond common sense, yet they continue to fuel the fire. I have always been curious as to what kind of psychology is at play that causes so many people to write with ill intent, even as I think to myself, "This is unacceptable."
This book is extremely easy to read and explains the points I wanted to know, making me think about how to deal with the internet.
To take an extreme example, there are the so-called "complainers." There was an incident where a woman became furious with store staff and the manager because of a defect in the store's product, making them kneel down in apology, which she recorded on video and posted on YouTube. Even if there was a problem with the product, what she did was clearly going too far and forcing them to kneel down in a way that ignored their dignity was actually illegal, making the woman more liable than the store. Why would she even bother posting it on the internet?
In short, it's because she believes that what she did was just. Such "complainers" have actually existed in small numbers for a long time. In another case, there was an incident where a female journalist was raped by a reporter from a major TV station. Many hurtful comments were posted in response to the female journalist's courageous decision to come forward and accuse her assailant. It is unclear what basis these comments were made on, but there were many harsh criticisms.
Many people who post extreme opinions on social media or upload videos are often identified through legal proceedings involving defamation. Surprisingly, these people are typically middle-aged or older individuals who are well off and have higher incomes than average, indicating that they are ordinary members of society.
Once something is posted on the internet, even if it is a complete fabrication, it remains somewhere in circulation. Even if the person who posted it is at fault, their name, address, real name, photo, and career are permanently exposed on the internet. This is tantamount to being lynched.
Some argue that anonymity is the cause of such excessive behavior online and that everything should be done under real names to curb this. However, the actual effectiveness of such laws, such as those enacted in Korea, has been shown to be minimal in reducing damage. This is because those who post information believe it to be true and have a sense of justice when posting it.