
プラットフォーム革命――経済を支配するビジネスモデルはどう機能し、どう作られるのか / Modern Monopolies


プラットフォームビジネスが急速に拡大している理由について分析し、プラットフォームの特徴や、成功するプラットフォームの共通点、プラットフォームビジネスの未来の展望などについて解説しており、原書ではModern Monopoliesという題を「現代独占」ですが、邦訳では売るためなのか、かなり強調してプラットフォーム革命とつけています。




"The Platform Revolution" is a business book by Geoffrey G. Parker and Peter C. Van Alstyne that provides a detailed explanation of the current and future state of platform businesses brought about by recent advances in technology.

The book analyzes the reasons for the rapid expansion of platform businesses, explains the characteristics of platforms, common traits of successful platforms, and prospects for the future of platform businesses. In the original version, it was titled "Modern Monopolies," while the Japanese translation is quite collaborative, titled "Platform Revolution."

Furthermore, the book provides a detailed explanation of the necessary elements for the success of platform businesses and important challenges that companies using platforms should consider.

While taking a positive view of the rapid growth of platform businesses, the book also addresses the problems and concerns that come with them. For example, the possibility that platform businesses may have market dominance and exclude competitors, and the potential ethical issues surrounding the collection and use of platform business data. The original title of the book uses the word "monopolies" to emphasize this possibility, but in the Japanese translation, it seems that the title is intended to be more favorable and attract readers.

In my personal opinion, I believe that this book is very interesting for those interested in platform businesses, as it reveals the key to the success of platform businesses and provides a detailed explanation of the problems and concerns facing them. However, I think it is necessary to fully understand the problems and concerns of platform businesses.