
正義を振りかざす「極端な人」の正体 山口真一著 光文社新書 / The identity of "extremists" who wield justice



  •  我々一般の思い込みとしては、フツーの社会人であれば仕事もあり、忙しく、わざわざそんな大量の書き込みをすることはないだろうと考えているが、実はSNSをうまく使える人は毎日10分もあれば大量の書き込みを自動的に送る方法を理解していて、実際に行動に移してしまう。


  • 情報にはもともと偏りがあるという認識を持つ
    • 新聞を読み比べると、全く同じ見方をすることはなく、立場が違えば見方も違うことがわかる。それが普通の姿であることを認識する
  • 自分の正義感の使い方に敏感になる
    • 報道やネット情報を目にして、けしからんと思うことがある。その際に、即座に行動に起こさず、一度自分を疑ってみる、一呼吸置いてみる、そこで冷静になった上で、行動を起こすべきなのかどうかを判断する
  • 自分を客観的にみる
    • これは許せんと思うことを知った際に、自分自身はそれを咎められるほど立派な生き方をしてきたか、若い頃に間違いを起こさなかったか、もう一度考えてみる
  • 他者の尊重
    • 顔が見えないからといって、その人の人生、背景、社会的な立場、全て理解している訳ではない。相手を尊重する、寛容になるという気持ちを持てるかどうか、考えてみる


I had always wondered why online posts often contain such harsh language and bullying-like behavior. In particular, I often see on the news these "net slang" incidents that involve statements and actions that are beyond common sense, yet they continue to fuel the fire. I have always been curious as to what kind of psychology is at play that causes so many people to write with ill intent, even as I think to myself, "This is unacceptable."

This book is extremely easy to read and explains the points I wanted to know, making me think about how to deal with the internet.

To take an extreme example, there are the so-called "complainers." There was an incident where a woman became furious with store staff and the manager because of a defect in the store's product, making them kneel down in apology, which she recorded on video and posted on YouTube. Even if there was a problem with the product, what she did was clearly going too far and forcing them to kneel down in a way that ignored their dignity was actually illegal, making the woman more liable than the store. Why would she even bother posting it on the internet?

In short, it's because she believes that what she did was just. Such "complainers" have actually existed in small numbers for a long time. In another case, there was an incident where a female journalist was raped by a reporter from a major TV station. Many hurtful comments were posted in response to the female journalist's courageous decision to come forward and accuse her assailant. It is unclear what basis these comments were made on, but there were many harsh criticisms.

Many people who post extreme opinions on social media or upload videos are often identified through legal proceedings involving defamation. Surprisingly, these people are typically middle-aged or older individuals who are well off and have higher incomes than average, indicating that they are ordinary members of society.

Once something is posted on the internet, even if it is a complete fabrication, it remains somewhere in circulation. Even if the person who posted it is at fault, their name, address, real name, photo, and career are permanently exposed on the internet. This is tantamount to being lynched.

Some argue that anonymity is the cause of such excessive behavior online and that everything should be done under real names to curb this. However, the actual effectiveness of such laws, such as those enacted in Korea, has been shown to be minimal in reducing damage. This is because those who post information believe it to be true and have a sense of justice when posting it.


差別と日本人 辛淑玉&野中広務 角川書店







The reality of discrimination in Japan, a subject that only those who have experienced intense discrimination can speak about.


The dialogue between the two individuals, starting from the beginning, gives the impression that Nonaka responds to what Shin wants to hear, serving as evidence for Shin's arguments. However, as the reading progresses, Nonaka also shares his own past experiences and the difficulties of expressing them due to family considerations. The severity of discrimination towards buraku communities and Zainichi Koreans, especially during times of panic among Japanese people, becomes apparent.


Though it's not unique to Japan alone, the insidious discrimination that exists is distinct due to Japan's island nature. Nonaka attempts to overcome this discrimination by fostering self-reliance to prevent the creation of reverse discrimination. Shin, on the other hand, employs a method of pursuing each issue individually to raise awareness on a societal level. Nonaka employs compromise, diplomacy, and careful negotiations, aiming to find solutions that both parties can accept and implementing policies to eliminate discrimination.


Towards the end of the conversation, both Shin and Nonaka unintentionally express things they didn't necessarily need to say, transcending their positions. This may be due to a common ground stemming from similar aspirations for the world and shared experiences of adversity.


Society's interest in learning about diversity is growing. Recognizing diversity can also fuel innovation. Nevertheless, I believe it's fundamental for individuals in society to address such social issues firmly.


Nonetheless, Nonaka's remarkable life, his unyielding nature, and his strong determination and actions to always stand with the underprivileged command profound respect. It's reassuring to have politicians like him; that's what I believe.


「影の総理」と呼ばれた男 ・菊池正史著・講談社現代新書




The term "Pioneering Administration" likely resonates with the generation born after 1980. At the core of this administration was Hiromu Nonaka. I've never cast my vote for the Liberal Democratic Party from the past to the present, and I've held onto a liberal stance. In the past, I supported the Social Democratic Party. However, as I've long passed my sixties, I've come to realize that the old Liberal Democratic Party embraced a wide range of ideologies, spanning from right to left, and there were numerous individuals whose views aligned with mine. In a sense, it seems that society has shifted towards the right more so than before.


Hiromu Nonaka held positions such as Chief Cabinet Secretary and Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party. He entered central politics relatively late, securing his first election victory at the age of 57. Had he entered a bit earlier, the times might have changed.


The book titled "The Man Called the Shadow Prime Minister" is a compilation of Nonaka's political activities presented in a nonfiction form, authored by Masafumi Kikuchi, a reporter from Nippon Television who covered Nonaka's activities. Since Hiromu Nonaka passed away in 2018, I believe the author wrote this book with the intention of preserving his legacy.


Nonaka supported the Social Democratic Party's Murayama administration while being a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. He played a significant role as the Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission during the Aum Shinrikyo incident, and later played an active role in establishing the coalition government between the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. It's widely known that he was the first to be referred to as "a dove guarded by a hawk."


His way of life is intense and difficult to emulate, yet I can empathize with his stance of standing with the underprivileged, sharing their struggles, pursuing power, finding compromise with opponents while seeking common ground, and executing actions. When asked about the meaning of conservatism, he replied, "Upholding the constitutional ideals of anti-war and peace, and nurturing society so that all citizens can become part of the middle class." It's odd; I used to think such words should originate from the Communist Party or the Social Democratic Party. However, he also strongly rejected the idea of the country becoming monolithic due to his wartime experience. He was a unique individual who persisted in opposing the one-party dominance within the Liberal Democratic Party, even when alone.


Reaching this age, I reflect on the clear danger of charismatic and overpowering leaders who do not tolerate opposition. Especially during times when direct military threats are increasing from China, North Korea, and Russia, and when relations with South Korea are strained, there's a tendency for citizens to yearn for strong leadership. This could be in the form of an individual leader or an organization, and both the public and the media tend to become enthusiastic about such emergence. "Japanese people have a vulnerable trait of easily becoming monolithic," Nonaka states. I wholeheartedly agree. Reflecting on my own past, I also feel the same way.


Now there is a strong debate about strengthening military capabilities and having offensive capabilities. Watching North Korea launch missiles in defiance of the United Nations and observing Russia unilaterally taking military actions in Ukraine, supported by China, it might be emotionally natural for discussions about Japan's nuclear armament and constitutional amendments to surface. Japan cannot win against China in terms of economic and military power. To engage with North Korea and Russia means eventually confronting China as well. In such a scenario, there's a possibility that the United States might not intervene to prevent nuclear war. Hence, the logic of further bolstering Japan's military becomes understandable. However, it's essential to recognize that at the heart of this debate is the fact that "Japan cannot militarily defeat China, even if the country turns itself upside down." Thus, I believe Japan should put intellectual effort into diplomacy and cooperation with the United States, Australia, Europe, and South Korea. In other words, knowing from the outset that attempting to fully conquer China or defeat the United States is unrealistic and choosing isolationism based on nationalistic fervor without reflecting on the disastrous consequences of starting a foolish war that caused the loss of three million lives worldwide is a concern. It's undoubtedly necessary to have a minimal military capability to protect oneself and deter adversaries. However, once you build up enough military strength to surpass your opponent, your opponent will strive to amass even greater military power. It's an endless cycle.


Observing Hiromu Nonaka's life, I can't help but wonder if he would have continued to assert himself, find compromises with opponents, and exhaust all his efforts to reach common ground, even if he were alive today and became the last standing. Regardless of whether one's beliefs lean right, left, or center, this book makes me want people to know what he sought in life.


昭和史 半藤一利 (1926-1945) 平凡社

 また今年も夏が来て、間もなく8月15日を迎える。戦争を思い返すのはこの日ばかりとは限らないのだが、メディアも含めて振り返りの番組も増え、考えざるを得ない。 歴史に「タラ、レバ」は無いとよく言われる。個人的にあの愚かな日中戦争、最後に世界を相手に始めた太平洋戦争を思うにつけ、どこで日本は道を間違えたのか、そして時を変えることができるならどの時点だったのかを考える時がある。 司馬遼太郎は、坂の上の雲において、それは日露戦争ではなかったかと書いている。私は個人的に明治維新の在り方にまで遡ると思っている。ただ、そこまで遡るとあまりに不確定要因が多くなりすぎて、ますます現実離れした議論になってしまう。 

 半藤一利氏は2021年1月12日に90歳で亡くなった。反戦・平和を訴え続けた論客である。文藝春秋社に入り、司馬遼太郎氏の編集担当をすると共に、週刊文春、月刊文藝春秋の編集長をする傍らで、数多くの昭和史にまつわる著作を書いてきた。その中でもこの「昭和史」は集大成でありながら、戦争を知らない私やもっと若い世代にとっても語りかける口調で実に読みやすく、学校で習わなかった日本の昭和の歴史を振り返り、新たに学ぶことができる。 半藤一利氏によると、時計の歯車が狂い始めたのは中国の大軍閥の一人であった張作霖を爆殺した、1928年(昭和3年)の6月4日に起きた、いわゆる「満州某重大事件」だとしている。関東軍とその後ろには陸軍参謀本部があり、計画を十分に練った上で中国人二人に金を渡して引き起こされた。






Once again, summer has arrived, and soon we will welcome August 15th. Reflecting on war isn't confined to just this day, but with an increase in programs and retrospectives across the media, it's impossible not to contemplate. People often say that history doesn't have "what ifs." Personally, when I think back to the foolish Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War that Japan initiated against the world, I wonder where Japan took the wrong path and when that point might have been if history were to be changed. In his work "Clouds above the Hill," Ryotaro Shiba wrote that it might have been during the Russo-Japanese War. Personally, I believe it traces back to the way the Meiji Restoration was executed. However, delving that far back introduces too many uncertain variables, making the discussion increasingly detached from reality.


Hiromu Nonaka passed away on January 12, 2021, at the age of 90. He was an outspoken advocate for anti-war and peace. Upon joining Bungeishunju Ltd., he worked as an editor for Ryotaro Shiba while also serving as the editor-in-chief of "Shukan Bunshun" and "Gekkan Bungei Shunju." He authored numerous works related to Showa history. Among these, "Showa-shi" stands as a culmination, yet it is remarkably accessible in its narrative tone, making it easy to read for those like me who haven't experienced war and for younger generations. According to Hiromu Nonaka, the moment the clock's gears started to go awry was the so-called "Significant Incident in Manchuria" that occurred on June 4, 1928 (Showa Year 3), the assassination of Zhang Zuolin, a member of China's major warlords. The Kwantung Army, backed by the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office, orchestrated the incident with careful planning, providing money to two Chinese individuals to carry out the act.


Japan considered Russia and later the Soviet Union as virtual enemy countries since the Meiji Restoration. As an island nation, Japan couldn't defend its extensive coastline entirely. Consequently, to eliminate Russian influence, the Sino-Japanese War ensued to gain control of the Korean Peninsula. Subsequently, to safeguard interests beyond the Korean Peninsula, namely in Manchuria (now the northeastern part of China), Japan initiated the Russo-Japanese War. Thus, Japan expanded its battlefronts beyond its capabilities, time after time. In this sense, I also consider that there might have been something odd about the arguments for the annexation of Korea after the Meiji Restoration. However, the pivotal point at which Japan lost control of its military was the assassination of Zhang Zuolin.


From the outset, Emperor Showa and his close associates seemed to suspect that the incident might have been a scheme by the Army. The more they investigated, the more evidence surfaced. Initially, Prime Minister Yoshio Tanaka, acting on the Emperor's orders, began to investigate if the Army was behind the incident. However, as the evidence increasingly pointed to the Army's involvement, he began to anticipate the possibility of cracks developing in the relationship between the burgeoning Army's arrogance and the Emperor. Consequently, Prime Minister Yoshio Tanaka replied to the Emperor, "The Army is not involved." Simultaneously, one of the Emperor's closest advisors, Saionji, started softening towards the Army for some reason, suggesting that it might be better not to escalate the matter, surprising other advisors. In the end, there were no consequences for Colonel Daisaku Kawamoto, a member of the Kwantung Army staff who was directly implicated. Behind the scenes, it appears that there was a power struggle between the Army's hardliners and peace advocates, and it seems that the peace advocates succumbed to the hardliners' threats. These developments are not conjecture on Nonaka's part; they are grounded in various pieces of tangible evidence, including subsequent writings from the Army, and the issue isn't a matter of differing interpretations.


As a result of this incident, as well as events like the Manchurian Incident, a pattern emerges where the military goes on a rampage first. Originally, such actions should lead to court-martial and capital punishment without orders, but instead of any repercussions, the government eventually approves these actions and even provides additional budgets. This pattern becomes established.


Not only the Army, but the Navy also follows a similar pattern. Furthermore, major newspapers at the time, such as Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun, just publish the military's statements as they are. People instinctively resist positive stories about Western responses that damage Japan's pride or news related to the economy. Newspapers write these articles because they need to sell copies.


What we must be careful about today is realizing that what might appear as a minor event in the grand scope of history can actually be a pivotal moment that shapes subsequent history. Without realizing this, and without critically examining these events, we might unintentionally allow them to repeat. A common sentiment among individuals like Hiromu Nonaka, who argue that war should never happen again, is that Japan's current public opinion is becoming similar to that before World War II. This year, 2022, marks 77 years since the end of the war. Undoing the history of 77 years of peace could take just one war. In the previous war, Japan lost three million lives. If another war were to occur, the loss of lives would likely be significantly greater. We must not forget this.


This summer, I strongly recommend reading "Showa-shi." It can be finished in a day, yet its impact lasts a lifetime.