
謙虚なリーダーシップ "1人のリーダーに依存しない組織をつくる" / Humble Leadership




読後の意見としては、謙虚なリーダーシップは、組織内で良好な人間関係、効果的なコミュニケーション、創造性、イノベーションを生み出すことができるため、重要なリーダーシップスタイルの一つであるとということ。 謙虚なリーダーシップを実践することは、個人の成長にもつながり、組織文化の改善にも役立ちます。 実を言うと、内容的には当たり前と言う事柄も多いのです。人間として当たり前に接していれば良いとも言えます。ただし、私の経験からすると、人は偉くなっていく過程で、つい自分を過大評価して、人との接し方を忘れていきます。横柄になる、人の話に耳を貸さない。独裁先行になりやすい。人とはそういう生き物であることを認識しながら、いつまでも基本を忘れないでいる必要があります。


"The Humble Leadership" is a book on leadership written by Dr. Edgar H. Schein. The book explains how humble leadership can bring success to individuals and organizations, based on numerous case studies and research.

The author argues that humble leadership can create values such as trust, empathy, collaboration, creativity, and innovation within an organization. Additionally, he suggests that humble leadership leads to individual growth, improvement of organizational culture, and long-term success.

In the book, the author clarifies the definition and elements of humble leadership and introduces ways to practice it. Practicing humble leadership involves self-awareness, concern for others, asking questions, listening, and providing feedback.

In my opinion, humble leadership is an important leadership style as it can create good relationships, effective communication, creativity, and innovation within an organization. Practicing humble leadership can lead to personal growth and improvement of organizational culture.

In reality, many of the concepts presented in the book seem obvious, and we should treat others with respect and empathy as a basic human behavior. However, as people progress in their careers, they may become overconfident and forget how to interact with others. They may become arrogant and ignore others' opinions, and this can lead to a dictatorship style of leadership. Therefore, it is essential to remember the basics of humble leadership, while recognizing that we are all human beings who may make mistakes.

This book can be a valuable reading material for leaders, managers, employees, and students, as it provides an opportunity to deeply reflect on the essence of leadership.